
Energiatuotanto ja -jakelu (Varavoimajärjestelmät ja -laitteet)

Höyrytys Oy´s movable backup energy supply secured Neste's Naantali oil refinery during a maintenance outage

artikkelikuva: Höyrytys Oy´s movable backup energy supply secured Neste's Naantali oil refinery during a maintenance outage

Photo: Neste Oyj

Höyrytys Oy is the largest supplier of fast backup energy in the Nordic countries and has a unique service capability in the field of backup energy in Finland. The wheeled trailers enables the company to supply large volumes of steam or heat to clients across Finland and Northern Europe.

The company provides various backup energy services on wheels from heavy trailers and steam vehicles to small flexible heat trailers.

Backup steam or heat comes handy for example in case of industry maintenance outages and distribution breaks of district heat. Backup energy may also be utilized for sporadic processing needs and for handling temporary consumption peaks in the thermal network. It will save the situation also in the event of sudden equipment failure.

Large backup energy power
Neste Naantali oil refinery ordered the movable backup energy trailers of Höyrytys Oy to secure its work during the maintenance break. Seven wheeled units were delivered to the oil refinery, with a total of nine Clayton steam generators. The total steam producing capacity of the generators was 28 MW round the clock.

"We delivered steam to Naantali for five consecutive days to six different locations. The equipment was run by 12 operators and two supervisors”, says Tapio Ritvonen, the Sales Manager of Höyrytys Oy.

This was a complete turnkey delivery including steam production, fuel tanks, fuel logistics, installation, and equipment operation.

"We normally buy the steam we need from our neighbouring plant, but they had a maintenance outage. We needed external steam to fill the shortfall, as our own steam production is not enough to keep the entire refinery running”, says Markus Vesikko, the Work Planner of Neste Oy.

“Reserve steam was of great importance to us. This was an extremely good solution, and everything went well. It was easy to work with Höyrytys Oy,” notes Markus Vesikko.

More information:

By: Jari Peltoranta
Photo: Neste Oyj

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