
Energialähteet ja polttoaineet (Bioenergia)
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Automated samplers for biomass fuels

artikkelikuva: Automated samplers for biomass fuels

The Finnish technology company Prometec Tools, founded in 2012, is specialised in designing and manufacturing quality-control applications for biomass. Taking samples of solid biomass fuels manually is often problematic. Automatic sampling will produce more reliable results quickly and safely.

Prometec’s major innovation, a fully automatic sampling robot for solid biofuels, was launched in 2017. The pilot installation for the system was made at Kuopio Energy’s power plant in eastern Finland.

”The sampling robot was originally designed for power plants, for the automated quality control of incoming fuel supplies of wood-based biomass or peat. However, further applications for the robot may be found in the pulp, mining and food-processing industries,” notes Mr. Juha Huotari, Managing Director for Prometec Tools Oy.

The robot has a structure that resembles a bridge crane. It is typically installed within a hall situated close to the power plant’s gate. Incoming solid-fuel supply trucks are driven underneath the robot for automatic sampling.

”Manual sampling of biofuels is often difficult and dangerous and may result in erroneous data. Automatic sampling is the modern way,” Huotari emphasises.

”This sampling system is unique. It can also be tailored in accordance with the customer’s needs. Several systems have already been installed in Scandinavia.”

One of the latest customers is a huge power plant in Stockholm in Sweden, utilising several types of solid biomass fuels. In this installation, the robot automatically takes samples from fuels arriving by railway cargo.

More information:

Written by: Ari Mononen

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